Noticias y Alertas

Alerta de Vulnerabilidades (usuarios técnicos)

octubre 30th, 2013 | Posted by kwelladm in Alertas

Title: Secclean fake antivirus

Description:  FakeAV continues to be a prevalent threat in the wild surrounding the Microsoft Windows Operating system, typically loaded in the Trojan method.


Snort SID: 28248-28250

ClamAV:Win.Downloader.Seclean, Win.Trojan.Seclean

Title: DLink DIR-100 User-Agent Backdoor

Description: By setting a User-Agent to a specific value, as detailed

in the below link, certain DLink devices can be accessed without

authorization or security.


Snort SID: 28240

ClamAV: N/A


Title: MS IE cdisplaypointer 0-day metasploit module

Description: This week a Metasploit module released for Microsoft

Internet Explorer CVE-2013-3897 was released.  This makes a previously

not-well-known vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer more

available to penetration testers and researchers.


Snort SID: 28091-28092, 28207-28208

ClamAV: BC.Exploit.CVE_2013_3897

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